hysop.fields.variable_parameter module

Tools to define parameters that do not depend on space but may depend on simulation parameters.

Example : the flow rate through the inlet

def frate(simu):
    res = np.zeros(problem.dimension)
    res[...] = np.sin(simu.time)
    return res

# define the parameter ...
rate = VariableParameter(formula=frate)
# compute its value for the current simulation state


  • frate must be a python function with a simulation object as input.

  • update function is usually called during operator apply (for instance adaptive time step or absorption_BC).

class hysop.fields.variable_parameter.VariableParameter(data=0.0, formula=None)[source]

Bases: object

User-defined parameter (a dictionnary indeed) that may depend on simulation parameters values and so needs some update during simulation process.

  • data (real or integer, optional) – default or initial value of the parameter

  • formula (python function, optional) – how to compute the variable


Update parameter value for the current simulation


simu : :class::~hysop.problem.simulation.Simulation